Anja van Hout

Strategic Advisor
strategic department
City of 's-Hertogenbosch

's-Hertogenbosch is the capital city of the province of Brabant, Entrepreneurial region of Europe in 2014! Together with entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions 's-Hertogenbosch is part of the Triple Helix Agrifood Capital, aimed at becoming the European Top region in Innovation in Food.

Although innovation in food is high on our agenda, so is gastronomy and hospitality. Over the last 5 years 's-Hertogenbosch was voted the most hospitable town in the netherlands 4 times. at the Expo we are looking for opportunities to broaden our knowledge both in the field of innovation in agrifood as well as in gastronomy as part of our cultural heritage.

Want to find out more? Copy this link and watch the video:



Organization Type Other
Areas of Activities

Other sector related to the main topic of the event