Paolo Snidero
Consulmarc Sviluppo srl
Bilateral Meetings
- BUSINESS MEETINGS. Please fill the cooperation profile
DescriptionConsulmarc Sviluppo Srl (www.consulmarc.it)is an Italian limited liability private consultancy established in 1979, with the aim of providing value-added international integrated services to its clients.
We have had our office in Brussels since 1991, representing different national and international, public and private bodies in their relations with European Institutions and European networks.
We are registered in the "Transparency register of European institutions” (http://europa.eu/transparency-register/index_en.htm): our reference number in the register is 99800452537-40.
Organization Type
Cooperation with Mexico in the agricoltural field
In cooperation with our Mexican partners we are developing a franchising project, located in an exhibition area of 2.800 squared meters, which purpose is the development of a training Academy focused on healthy food and Eu food quality.
Cooperation Offered
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution
- Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation