Bilateral Meetings
- BUSINESS MEETINGS. Please fill the cooperation profile
DescriptionOlive trees cultivation, organic olive oil DOP production, touristic incoming:
CAVASECCA FARM extends for 50 hectares, 20 of which
planted with olive trees, and it is located in Canicattini Bagni, in the
Southeastern coast of Sicily.
In this place tucked
in history and art we produce the CAVASECCA
organic extra virgin olive oil DOP MONTI IBLEI.
Cultivations are of native plants: secular trees
of ZAITUNA (Siracusana) , Tonda Iblea, Biancolilla, Nocellara dell'Etna.
cultivation features the environmental purity and the soil fertility.10 km far from Cavasecca Farm we restored an ancient villa in Siracusa in front of Greek theatre, that has become a luxury accomodation the whole year long.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Protected Designation of Origin - PDO
Food Tourism
Food tourism distribution
We look for distributor in Ho.Re.Ca. segment and for connection in the high target food tourism.
We are organic extra virgin olive oil producers with a luxury B&B in Siracusa. We are interested in developping food-touristic business and open to discuss projects and ideas.
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution